At The South West Middlesex Crematorium there are three cremators. Each adult cremation takes approximately 90 minutes to complete and each cremation is carried out separately. No coffin is inserted into a cremator until a previous cremation has been completed and the cremated remains removed from the upper hearth thus ensuring that there is no mixing of remains.
- If the applicant for a cremation requests the cremated remains to be scattered – unwitnessed – in the garden of remembrance, we will do this on their behalf 14 days following the funeral service. If an applicant wishes this to be carried out sooner, they should advise the crematorium administration office in writing. If the applicant wishes to witness the strewing of the ashes, an appointment must be made through the crematorium administration office.
- We will record the location of the strewing in the Crematorium Register, with reference to the grid shown on the site plan. See site plan under Maps.
- We will provide a leaflet explaining other options in detail.
When removing Cremated Remains from the Crematorium, we will present them in a biodegradable cardboard ash box and provide a purpose made bag to carry them.
When cremated remains are strewn, The Crematorium follows ‘best practice’ as recommended by The Federation of British Cremation Authorities and this states:
“Cremated Remains should be dispersed from a low level over the area selected, covering a space of at least three square metres, in order that the ground may not become compacted. ”
Cremated Remains may be strewn in the form of a cross or other pattern, providing it does not result in the unsightly build-up or prolonged visibility of the Cremated Remains.
Cremated Remains are now no longer scattered within the Garden of Remembrance bedding, but only on the Garden of Remembrance lawns. When the strewing is to take place in the same location ‘as for’ a previous person, we will make every effort to perform the new strewing on grass as near as possible to the original site.
The Crematorium require that Cremated Remains be taken away in full. Applicants wishing to divide remains must do so themselves or arrange for the funeral director to undertake the task. The return of ‘part’ remains for scattering in the gardens is permitted.
Cremated Remains will be held at the Crematorium for one month free of charge as per the information on our Disposal of Cremated Remains form. Thereafter storage will be charged at £15 per month.
Cremated Remains removed from the Crematorium and returned at a later date will be scattered without charge up to the 6 month anniversary of the date of the funeral service. Thereafter a charge of £55.00 will be levied Monday – Friday.
Strewing of cremated remains from other crematoriums will be charged at £55.00 for weekdays.
Please contact the crematorium for available times.